Trigger Warnings


Warning: The trigger warnings below may contain spoilers for the plot.

If you are concerned about spoilers, but still want to know about a specific trigger feel free to contact me.

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding whether authors should include trigger warnings in their books. Personally I do not have any triggers, or if I do, they are not of a traumatic nature. I never want to be that author who causes someone to have a breakdown because they were unwillingly exposed to something in my writing.

That being said, we're all humans, and I might miss something. If I do, please feel free to call me on it! Send me an email, find me in FB messenger, or even TikTok, and I will add it to the list.

Seriously, I want it known that mental health is high on my list of priorities.

List coming soon...

Please feel free to contact me in the meantime, if you are concerned.

List coming soon...

Please feel free to contact me in the meantime, if you are concerned.
